How NativeCoin Is Changing The Future Of The Native American Gaming Industry
NativeCoin Cryptocurrency is a Winning Bet!

Who would have known a simple cyber transaction of $25 for a few Papa John Pizzas on May 22, 2010 through a novel cryptocurrency called bitcoin would become a multi-billion-dollar monetary juggernaut ten years later?
On that day, bitcoin came out of the gate at an approximate value of 10,000 bitcoins for $25. Since then it has grown in value to where it stands today at more than $10,000 per coin. That’s an incredible 9 million percent increase in value for each coin in one decade.
Imagine what it would be like to have invested a few thousand dollars in bitcoin when it was first introduced to the public for pennies. That investment now would be worth millions of dollars.
Fate once again is offering an opportunity for such a return on investment through a new cryptocurrency called NativeCoin, poised to open in markets that bitcoin can only dream of.
NativeCoin is designed to meet the transactional needs of Native American Tribal enterprises such as agriculture, casinos, resorts, betting operations and online gaming platforms.
Native Tribe casino gaming in the USA generated $33.72 billion in revenue in 2018, according to Gambling News reporter Rachael Price.
According to Wikipedia, citing Information Daily, a Chinese news agency, online gaming in China, although it’s illegal, generated $145 billion in 2018.
To garner the global gaming markets, an internationally recognized universal currency is needed to bring in gamers from all over the world, including those who participate in off-the-books gambling. Global gaming is projected to generate more than $500 billion a year in revenue by 2023, according to Bloomberg Businessweek.
Thanks to NativeCoin, there will be a way for international gamers turned-off by outrageous transaction fees and taxes imposed by global banks, money transfer companies and governments, to participate in Native American gaming outlets without those hassles.
NativeCoin provides a monetary platform that not only facilitates international on-line gamers who want to participate in Native American casino gaming but it will also be accepted by Native Sovereign private businesses, international shippers and for private transactions — in any and all business dealings with the Tribal Nation.
Further, NativeCoin has the potential to unify all the Tribes under one sovereign currency.
Having been granted sovereignty by the United States Federal Government, the Tribal Nation has every right to create its own currency with the added security and benefits of cryptocurrency, thereby circumventing the crushing expense associated with the use of traditional currencies.
The mission of NativeCoin is to enable outside entities to conduct business within the Native Sovereign lands, using one singular sovereign cryptocurrency that is unburdened by bank fees, taxes and money exchangers.
This opens the door for outside investments for the development of shopping centers, hotels, gas stations, convenience stores, supermarkets, amusement/recreation centers and entertainment venues within Tribal lands.
As a sovereign, decentralized, secure and liquid currency, NativeCoin is tailored to the emerging markets that Tribes are creating in the gaming sector and other integrated Tribal enterprises.
With NativeCoin, the goal is to enable Tribes to adopt a new currency that they can call their own. It is the NativeCoin developers’ belief that this will allow millions of gaming enthusiasts from all over the world to reach Tribal casino platforms, which will exponentially increase profits for the Tribes and investors who invest in the coin itself.
The time it takes for banks to approve transactions has been one of the biggest hurdles for Tribal casinos in acquiring new online or ethereum gaming customers.
NativeCoin, as a blockchain currency like bitcoin, is the solution to overcoming obstacles such as this, especially in the international gaming market.
Transactions can be made almost instantaneously online. No time lost in waiting. The gaming aficionados can go on playing without interruption.
NativeCoin provides a means by which Tribal entities can conduct business both outside their reservations and across international borders without any red tape.
Meaning bank fees, transfer fees and transaction fees will no longer cut into their profit margins, allowing Tribes to invest more in building infrastructure, schools, affordable housing, medical facilities and provide a higher standard of living for their people.
NativeCoin creates a win-win situation for all parties involved. Tribes can financially work with each other directly without the roadblocks and complexities traditional currency creates. Money can be moved back and forth with the click of a mouse.
The sense of Tribal unity and sovereignty can only grow stronger through NativeCoin over the coming years.
With their own currency the Tribes can move into the future with assurance that not only are they sovereign in name but sovereign monetarily as well.
Marc Van Norman, former director of the National Indian Gaming Association firmly believes this cryptocurrency will unite the Tribes and provide for a better future for all.
“While we engage in commerce, we want to do so in keeping with Mother Nature,” he said. “It’s going to be respectful of the land and provide a better future for our children and grandchildren. That’s why it’s important for us to be on the cutting edge of technology. We need those opportunities to provide a better way of life for our people and our homes.”
Norman prefers using NativeCoin over bitcoin because it allows the Tribes complete control over their money and transactions.
“I like NativeCoin because NativeCoin is the wave of the future,” he said. “We have bitcoin but that’s not really needed. NativeCoin is the way for us to do commerce on the internet. We have an opportunity with all of our traditional Native Tribes throughout all of America to rejoin through the energy of electronic commerce.”
There is no doubt that NativeCoin is the future for the Tribal gaming industry in that the world is changing exponentially every day and cryptocurrency is the solution to the financial challenges waiting ahead.
One such challenge is inflation, where the dollar keeps losing its value on a daily basis and can only be propped up by printing more money.
There is no limit to the amount of paper currency the Federal Government can print and there is no stability in its worth. Nor is there a record of how many dollars are actually in circulation. Naturally, inflation is the result as the buying power of the dollar decreases.
With NativeCoin this problem does not exist because there is a cap on the amount of coins that are in circulation and a record is meticulously maintained of that amount. NativeCoin will increase in value as paper currency continues to deflate.
Presently, the NativeCoin founders are raising funds to install NativeCoin ATM machines in all of the Tribal casinos in North America. Further, these NativeCoin ATMs will also act as a banking hub for the 500+ Native American reservations.
These ATM’s will allow you to purchase and sell the coins in house, where they can be utilized in any of the gaming activities, all the time earning rewards.
NativeCoin has partnered with an international crypto ATM machine company called B-Platform that will provide the licensing and software for the NativeCoin ATMs as well.
NativeCoin intends to participate in an Initial Exchange Offering scheduled January 1, 2021 for anyone around the world who wishes to get involved with this movement.
An IEO is when a new coin is listed on a cryptocurrency exchange which then allows you to purchase the coin in more places.
Once NativeCoin is integrated in casinos nationwide and in gaming globally, it will be among the leaders in the cryptocurrency market within the next few years.
NativeCoin is moving forward with intent, purpose and dedication towards establishing a digital currency that will further enhance the lives of all Tribal members in North America.